The advice centre is our online resource for free information and advice on epilepsy and our other services. Our blog posts cover a wide range of topics and provide valuable knowledge that our clients and others may find useful.
As you may already know, here at National Epilepsy Training, our epilepsy awareness training courses are designed to ensure that anyone who may need to be is aware of epilepsy and knows how to react in emergency situations. This could include parents, teachers, employers, carers or nurses and other healthcare professionals. In this post though,…
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Unfortunately, the misdiagnosis of epilepsy is fairly commonplace and it can have a significant impact on the person who has received the misdiagnosis. Epilepsy misdiagnosis continues to be a huge problem, as it’s estimated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) that up to 70% of people living with epilepsy could be seizure-free, but only if…
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Epilepsy and sleep has been the subject of many studies proving conclusively that the two are linked in various ways. One of the more debated and less studied areas, however, is the impact of epilepsy on a person’s dreams. Many people with epilepsy have reported that their dream content is much more vivid and emotional…
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Many people with epilepsy will understandably look for various treatment options in a quest to control their seizures or lessen their frequency and severity. Acupuncture is one such treatment that many people with epilepsy will consider or try and in this article we’ll discuss it as a treatment option, as well as a quick look…
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Many people work on shifts which involve them doing night shifts, working through the night when they would normally be sleeping. Whilst this may be acceptable for most of the population of night shift workers, this can be a problem for people with epilepsy as a major disruption to sleeping patterns can be responsible for…
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The MCT diet is sometimes used to help treat epilepsy in children and reduce the frequency and severity of seizures. The diet is similar in many ways to the classical ketogenic diet, but the MCT simply refers to an oil called medium chain triglyceride that makes the diet more varied and allows the child to…
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