Panayiotopoulos syndrome

25th March 2020

At present, it is not known how common panayiotopoulos syndrome is, it’s estimated that it could affect as many as 1 in 10 children with epilepsy but could also be closer to 1 in 20. Panayiotopoulos syndrome usually presents in children between the ages of 3 and 5, but has also been known to affect…

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Category: Syndromes

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Statement – National Epilepsy Training

25th March 2020

We at National Epilepsy Training are working tirelessly to adapt our services in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Our first priority is to ensure that our staff and clients are safe and have the support that they need during this time and also to follow government guidance to slow the spread of the outbreak. …

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Category: News

Graphene implant could be the key to new epilepsy treatments

18th March 2020

Researchers have developed a new graphene-based implant that could have a huge impact on the advancement of epilepsy treatments. The implant is able to monitor and record electrical activity within the brain at extremely low frequencies that were previously too low to monitor.  It’s this discovery that has unlocked new data, which is found below…

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Category: News, Treatments

Could a drug-drug interaction explain the effectiveness of cannabidiol on severe forms of epilepsy?

13th March 2020

Cannabidiol has been big news in the epilepsy community over the last year. We have previously posted about the medication becoming available on the NHS for patients with certain syndromes and types of epilepsy. At present, researchers are unsure as to why cannabidiol has the positive effect that it does.  However, research reported in the…

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Category: News, Treatments

Dealing with the stigma and discrimination of epilepsy

20th February 2020

Stigma in epilepsy can mean a number of things, whether it’s people believing untrue myths, people being disqualified from activities they feel they could take part in or simply just being treated differently due to having epilepsy.  Stigma and discrimination take many forms. A common example might be children being left out of school activities…

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Category: Education

Ohtahara Syndrome

13th February 2020

Ohtahara syndrome, also known as early infantile epilepsy encephalopathy with suppression bursts, is an extremely rare syndrome that starts in very young babies, usually below the age of 3 months.  In the vast majority of cases, the baby will have a structural brain abnormality to which this syndrome can be attributed. These abnormalities can be…

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Category: Syndromes