Epilepsy surgery

19th November 2019

Epilepsy surgery is a blanket term for several different types of procedures, each of which can be vastly different and used for different types of epilepsy.  Surgery is usually one of the last options that will be suggested and is most common in people with epilepsy whose seizures cannot be controlled using anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs).…

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Category: Treatments

Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

13th November 2019

Lennox-Gastaut is a rare epilepsy syndrome that only affects between 1 to 5 children out of every 100 that have epilepsy. It’s also well known to be one of the most difficult childhood epilepsies to treat, also known as ‘intractable’. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome usually starts in children between the ages of 3 to 5, although it…

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Category: Syndromes

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

4th November 2019

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a type of epilepsy surgery that involves implanting an electrode into the brain and a neurostimulator into the chest, usually just below the left collarbone.  DBS is a type of ‘neuromodulation’, similar to vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). It has been used for both epilepsy and is also widely used for…

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Category: Treatments

EU approves the use of Epidiolex medical cannabis for epilepsy cases

28th October 2019

The European Union has taken the landmark step of approving a medical cannabis product for use in certain cases of epilepsy. Put simply, this means that the drug can legally be prescribed within the UK and other EU countries, however, at present it is not recommended by the NHS. (source: BBC - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-49795260)  Just last…

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Category: Treatments

Landau Kleffner Syndrome

9th October 2019

Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS) is an extremely rare childhood epilepsy syndrome that affects boys twice as much as it affects girls and usually develops around the ages of 3 - 6. One of the key features of LKS is that it can affect speech and language skills in children and most likely result in behavioural problems.…

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Category: Syndromes

Can epilepsy be cured?

2nd October 2019

When a person is diagnosed with epilepsy, the first thing they often ask is “can it be cured?”. It’s a completely natural reaction after receiving news that is possibly life changing to hope that there is a cure and life can continue as normal. However, at present there is no medical cure for epilepsy.  For…

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Category: Treatments