Epilepsy in school

30th July 2019

It’s crucial that children with epilepsy have unrestricted access to an education and quite often this might mean that some adjustments need to be made within the school. It may be that special considerations need to be made to ensure the child’s safety whilst they are in school.  School can be a stressful time for…

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Category: Education, Living with Epilepsy

Gelastic epilepsy

23rd July 2019

Gelastic epilepsy is a very rare syndrome that affects 1 out of every 1,000 children with epilepsy and is slightly more common in boys than girls. The syndrome takes its name from the Greek word, gelastikos, which means laughter because seizures will often start with unexplained laughter. The laughter is often described as being hollow…

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Category: Syndromes

Epilepsy and flying – what to do at the airport

17th July 2019

Having epilepsy should not prevent a person from being able to travel, whether it’s for work or to enjoy a much needed holiday. However, for many people with epilepsy travel may be problematic, particularly when it involves flying.  Many people with epilepsy may have their seizures triggered when they’re tired, which is likely to be…

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Category: Leisure

GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome

12th June 2019

GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the brains metabolism by inhibiting the flow of glucose from the blood into the brain. GLUT1 is the protein that’s responsible for ensuring that the brain receives adequate glucose, which is the main source of fuel for the brain. A lack of glucose can lead to…

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Category: Syndromes

Does more need to be done to safeguard people with photosensitive epilepsy online?

5th June 2019

There are approximately 20,000 people in the UK who have photosensitive epilepsy. At present, there are guidelines on warnings for films and TV to warn those who may be affected by flashing images. However, there have been recent calls that the government needs to do more to safeguard people who are watching videos online. There…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy, Seizures

What causes epilepsy?

29th May 2019

Epilepsy is a rather broad terminology for a group of symptoms that has one thing in common, seizures that arise in the brain. As such, there is a broad range of potential causes that can lead to a person being diagnosed with epilepsy. Causes of epilepsy can be incredibly complex and are often difficult to…

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Category: Seizures