The advice centre is our online resource for free information and advice on epilepsy and our other services. Our blog posts cover a wide range of topics and provide valuable knowledge that our clients and others may find useful.
For many people with epilepsy, this may mean taking lifelong medication, also known as AEDs. In many cases, this requires taking the medication consistently at regular times of the day. After all, a missed dose or accidentally taking an extra dose can potentially lead to a seizure. Keeping track of medication can be a challenge…
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It’s around this time of year that many students will already be making plans to go to university at the end of Summer. There’s a lot to consider: which university to go to, where to live, what to study and much more. It’s an exciting time and is often the first time that a young…
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13 UK healthcare bodies have combined to provide new guidance on the prescription of sodium valproate medications for women of childbearing age. These medications include those under brand names such as Epilim, Epival, Episenta, Convulex and Orlept. The risks of prescribing sodium valproate The prescription of sodium valproate to women of childbearing age has long…
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This rare form of epilepsy is slightly more prevalent in males than in females. Epilepsy with myoclonic absences is a syndrome that has no known cause, however, it’s believed that it is likely genetic as 25 out of 100 children with this particular syndrome also have a relative who also has epilepsy. Myoclonic absences are…
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Next month marks the start of Ramadan, which begins on the 5th of May and ends on the 4th of June. During this time, Muslim’s from around the world fast for a month to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran. Those observing the tradition will abstain from food and drink during the hours that…
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ESESS is a particularly rare epilepsy syndrome that develops in mid-childhood, around 4-5 years and normally affects children who already have epilepsy. It accounts for just 0.2% - 0.5% of childhood epilepsy syndromes and it’s slightly more common in males than females (62%). The cause of this syndrome is still currently unknown. What are the…
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