The importance of care planning

7th November 2018

According to the National Institute of Care Excellence (NICE) clinical guideline, all people with epilepsy should have a regular, updated and comprehensive care plan. A care plan is much more than a document detailing a person’s epilepsy, it’s also a roadmap to where the person wants to be and a shared strategy for how best…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy

Benign Neonatal Convulsions

29th October 2018

Benign Neonatal Convulsions (BNC) is a type of epilepsy syndrome that always occurs in young infants. Seizures, or in this case convulsions, will often start to happen between birth up to 28 days old. It’s a relatively uncommon syndrome that affects boys and girls equally. There are two types of BNC, familial and non-familial. Familial…

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Category: Syndromes

Medication and side effects for simple partial seizures

26th October 2018

As we have explained in other posts, a simple partial seizure takes place in only one side of the brain. Those who experience simple partial seizures do not lose consciousness or awareness. Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), also known as anti-convulsants, are what will be prescribed to treat simple partial seizures. We’re going to take a closer…

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Category: Treatments

Cannabis-based medicines to be made available on prescription from November 1st

16th October 2018

In an announcement made on the 11th of October 2018, the Home Office has formalised the rescheduling of cannabis-based medicines, such as CBD oils. The announcement stated that cannabis-based medicines will be available on prescription from the 1st November from specialist clinicians. These medicines will be available to patients who are considered to have an…

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Category: Treatments

Tips for people with epilepsy finding travel insurance

11th October 2018

On occasion, it has been noted that some travel insurance companies charge a higher premium for people with epilepsy. This is often because epilepsy is classified as a “pre-existing condition”, which means you will may be deemed a higher risk. This may affect the premium. Once you apply for travel insurance you are likely to…

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Category: Leisure

Transport help for people with epilepsy

4th October 2018

Transport can be a major issue for people with epilepsy, especially if seizures prevent them from holding a valid driving licence. In the current day, regularly using public transport can be just as expensive as owning and running a car. The price of bus and train fare has continued to rise, as has the cost…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy