The advice centre is our online resource for free information and advice on epilepsy and our other services. Our blog posts cover a wide range of topics and provide valuable knowledge that our clients and others may find useful.
There is a link between epilepsy and sleep. In fact, some people only have seizures whilst asleep which can cause issues with the natural sleep cycle. Seizures whilst awake can also affect sleeping patterns and lead to a person with epilepsy being tired and missing out on important stages of sleep that helps the body…
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Diagnosing epilepsy is by no means simple, however, if there is a classic description of seizures this makes the diagnosis more straightforward. There are other medical conditions that present in similar ways to epilepsy that can make it more difficult to diagnose. Of course, this can be a stressful time for a person who isn’t…
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A seizure diary is a way to record details and information about your epilepsy. Many may think they don’t need one, but a seizure diary can be an incredibly useful way to get a better overview of a person’s epilepsy stretching back weeks, months and years. Even people with really good memories are likely to…
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SUDEP is a fatal complication of epilepsy and is defined by death with no obvious cause. The average of premature deaths is higher in people with epilepsy and the reason is still uncertain, although strongly linked to seizures, particularly tonic-clonic seizures. One theory is that seizures can affect the heart rate or breathing rhythm of…
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In our recent blog post we discussed common and uncommon triggers for epilepsy, however, one of the rarer triggers is the action of brushing the teeth - toothbrush epilepsy. It’s exactly as it sounds, seizures triggered by the simple act of brushing your teeth. It was an Australian research team who first described the possibility…
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A trigger is something that often causes a person with epilepsy to have a seizure. This can vary from person to person and there are many things that may act as a trigger for a person with epilepsy. Part of learning to live with epilepsy is to figure out what things may trigger seizures in…
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