Epilepsy Rescue Medication – What is it and How Does it Work?

26th May 2022

For most people with epilepsy, seizures will last for less than 5 minutes or even seconds and will stop by themselves with no need for intervention. However, in some cases, seizures can continue for much longer without ceasing or a person can experience one seizure after another with no time to recover in between. These…

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Category: Advice, Education

6 Epilepsy Awareness Facts (and Myths) That You Should Know

19th May 2022

Awareness of epilepsy is a topic that we’re very passionate about here at National Epilepsy Training. Our range of epilepsy awareness training courses are designed to give people the information and tools they need to care for people with epilepsy full time or just be able to help in an emergency situation (common with teachers…

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Category: Advice, Education

Can Epilepsy Become Worse With Age?

12th May 2022

Epilepsy can affect anyone, however, it’s most commonly developed during childhood or in older adults. Adults over the age of 65 are the most at risk category for epilepsy seizures. The question remains though, once developed, will epilepsy get worse with age?  It’s certainly possible that the severity and frequency of seizures can increase as…

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Category: Education

Common Epilepsy Testing Methods and What They Involve

5th May 2022

Diagnosing epilepsy can be a challenging process at times. There is no singular test that can be used to confirm a diagnosis of epilepsy, rather a collection of investigations that can be used to help confirm a diagnosis.  In this post, we’re going to talk through some of the most common testing methods and what…

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Category: Education

Epilepsy and Tattoos

29th March 2022

Many people with epilepsy will also fall into the growing number of people worldwide who want to get a tattoo. Quite rightly so, a common question for people with epilepsy before getting a tattoo is whether it’s safe to do so.  Of course, this is an entirely personal choice and one that should be made…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy

Epilepsy and the Armed Forces

22nd March 2022

People with epilepsy will often find that their career choices are more limited. There are certain roles that are simply unsafe to do and therefore off limits for a person with epilepsy. Equality laws do state that employers must make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for people with disabilities wherever possible to ensure they are able to do…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy