The advice centre is our online resource for free information and advice on epilepsy and our other services. Our blog posts cover a wide range of topics and provide valuable knowledge that our clients and others may find useful.
Taking cocaine, like many recreational drugs, can have a number of negative health effects. For cocaine, one of the concerns that many people often ask is “can taking cocaine cause seizures?”. In short, yes, cocaine can cause seizures and can also be associated with heart attacks. In fact, cocaine is one of the leading sources…
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Diagnosing epilepsy can be a complex task. As a parent, or a caregiver, you may find yourself having concerns about whether or not your child does have epilepsy. Recognising seizures in babies and infants can be particularly difficult as they cannot communicate with you. The first thing to note is that there isn’t any singular…
Read moreFor most people with epilepsy, seizures will last for less than 5 minutes or even seconds and will stop by themselves with no need for intervention. However, in some cases, seizures can continue for much longer without ceasing or a person can experience one seizure after another with no time to recover in between. These…
Read moreAwareness of epilepsy is a topic that we’re very passionate about here at National Epilepsy Training. Our range of epilepsy awareness training courses are designed to give people the information and tools they need to care for people with epilepsy full time or just be able to help in an emergency situation (common with teachers…
Read moreStress is a relative term that can be different for each person. For some people, it can be as a result of emotional trauma, and for others it could be a tough week at work. Epilepsy and seizures can also affect each person differently. There are a lot of correlations between stress and seizure activity,…
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Whether you’re a nurse or student who’s considering specialising a future in epilepsy, understanding what the role entails is important. An incredibly rewarding role, epilepsy specialist nurses provide a key role in ensuring that people with epilepsy have consistent care. Working exclusively with adults and children who have epilepsy, they provide specialised care services and…
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