Does more need to be done to safeguard people with photosensitive epilepsy online?

5th June 2019

There are approximately 20,000 people in the UK who have photosensitive epilepsy. At present, there are guidelines on warnings for films and TV to warn those who may be affected by flashing images. However, there have been recent calls that the government needs to do more to safeguard people who are watching videos online. There…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy, Seizures

Is Fasting Dangerous for a Person With Epilepsy?

16th April 2019

Next month marks the start of Ramadan, which begins on the 5th of May and ends on the 4th of June. During this time, Muslim’s from around the world fast for a month to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran. Those observing the tradition will abstain from food and drink during the hours that…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy

Anxiety and Epilepsy

14th March 2019

Feeling anxious is an emotion that many people will be familiar with, it’s most commonly felt when we find ourselves in a challenging or threatening situation. An evolutionary trait that kicks in our fight or flight reflex and survival instincts. It’s completely normal to feel anxious in these situations, however, should it develop into something…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy

The relationship between seizures and strokes

17th January 2019

As you may already be aware, there is a common link between seizures and strokes. Both affect the brain and can influence emotions, mobility, communication, memory and behaviour in a person. This can make it much more difficult to recognise seizures in a person who has had a stroke. It’s also true that seizures can…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy

Caring for a baby when you have epilepsy

17th December 2018

Many new mothers and fathers who have epilepsy will be anxious about how their epilepsy will affect their ability to care for a baby. Let us assure you that there are many new parents out there who are facing the same issues successfully. There is no reason that you can’t be as involved as any…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy

Developing epilepsy later on in life

13th December 2018

Epilepsy can be developed at any stage of life, however, it’s most common that it will be developed in later life, which is classed as those over the age of 65. In fact, as many as 1 in 4 of the newly diagnosed will fall into the over 65’s category. If you think you may…

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Category: Living with Epilepsy