4 Ways to Effectively Support Someone With Epilepsy

10th February 2022

Whether you’re a carer, partner, friend, teacher, employer, coworker or anyone else who has a person with epilepsy in their life, knowing how to support them is crucial. To support someone does not necessarily mean that you are their sole source of care, it may simply mean that you spend regular time with them and…

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Category: Advice, Living with Epilepsy

Seasonal Epilepsy – Can Epilepsy Vary Throughout the Year?

10th January 2022

Many people with epilepsy will tell you that seizure activity is rarely consistent, but neither are they random. Seizures often occur in clusters, whereby a person could go for weeks seizure-free, only to have multiple in the same week. It’s not just about the number of seizures either, it could be that they vary in…

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Category: Education, Living with Epilepsy

Vertigo and Epilepsy (Epileptic Vertigo)

3rd January 2022

People who experience vertigo will tell you that it’s characterised by the sensation of the world spinning around you, causing you to lose balance. It’s often understated as a dizzy feeling, but vertigo can feel much more severe than a typical dizzy spell and can last anywhere from a few seconds up to a few…

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Category: Education, Living with Epilepsy

Can Emotional Trauma Cause Epilepsy?

27th December 2021

Epilepsy can be caused by a wide variety of factors, such as a stroke, a brain tumour or a severe head injury. Epilepsy seizures are caused by disruptions to the electrical impulses that occur in our brains and can result in one of several types of seizures.  The question here, however, is whether emotional trauma…

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Category: Education

Autism and Epilepsy – What’s the Link?

20th December 2021

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental dysfunction that affects a person’s speech, cognitive abilities and behaviour. Autism is a blanket term for a broad range of complex conditions that are characterised by challenges with social skills, communication and interpersonal relationships. As the name suggests, autism is a spectrum and can affect individuals differently and…

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Category: Education

Narcolepsy and Epilepsy

13th December 2021

Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder whereby a person can not control the onset and offset of sleep, particularly REM sleep. Much like epilepsy, narcolepsy is a disorder that’s caused by changes in the brain and can result in several symptoms, including:  Drowsiness - A person with narcolepsy may present with excessive daytime sleepiness, Cataplexy - An…

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Category: Education