If you are an employer and you employ someone or are considering employing someone with epilepsy then you need to be aware of how their epilepsy might affect their work.
If you already employ someone with epilepsy, the first step is to talk to your employee and make sure you are fully informed about their epilepsy.
Some questions you might want to ask include:
It’s all about ensuring that you are as informed about your employee as possible so that you’re best placed to help them if they experience a seizure, or so that you can take measures to help them prevent one.
This can vary massively from workplace to workplace. It’s important that you incorporate the needs of an employee with epilepsy into your workplace risk assessment. Some workplaces are safer than others, for example, a person with epilepsy will be more at risk if they:
There are so many variables that we couldn’t possibly list them all here.
The Health and Safety at Work Act states that risk assessments should be:
It may be necessary to consult with a specialist or a health and safety expert to gain in-depth advice on employing someone with epilepsy in your workplace.
Many people who have epilepsy are considered disabled, which means that they are covered by the Equality Act 2010. For an employer or a potential employer , his means many things, including
During recruitment and applications:
Note: Once a job has been offered it is reasonable and even helpful to ask questions about a disability such as epilepsy, as outlined above.
During employment, employers are required to make “reasonable adjustments” in the workplace to help someone with a disability. For someone with epilepsy this might include:
There are many other factors that employers must take into consideration for an employee with epilepsy, which can include things like avoiding triggers and considerations for working with computers.
At National Epilepsy Training, we can provide epilepsy training courses in the workplace to ensure that you are fully able to manage someone with epilepsy and to help safeguard your current or future employees who have epilepsy. Start with our epilepsy awareness course.